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  • Writer's pictureCaitlin Geaney

Sunshine Blogger Award

Hello lovely readers,

Guess what? I have been tagged for the very first time! So today is sunshine bloggers day.😊☀️ Hip hip hooray.

(See what I did there)

Here are the rules :

Thank the blogger who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.

Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.

Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.

List the rules and display the sunshine blogger award logo in your post/or on your blog

So here goes!

Thanks so much Covah

Covah’s question and my answers😊

-What are three of your favorite songs and why?

Just three?!

Ok ...

Waves by Dean Lewis definitely makes the list. Because who doesn’t love this song?

As well as “Hold my girl” by George Ezra (his song “shotgun” is good too). His voice is amazing.

Annnd “Concrete Jungle” by Au/Ra. I love doing yoga to this song

-What is a quote that has impacted your life?

Again, just one?!

Ugh I have a Pinterest board FULL.

My pick would have to be this one though:

“We can’t choose the music life plays but we can choose how we dance to it”

I’m not the most go with the flow person and this quote reminds me to relax and be flexible. Plus, it’s has a dance metaphor😉

-If you had a pet snake (yes a snake) what would you name it?

Eww a snake! The first name that popped into my head was Shelly lol so I’ll go with that.

-What is your favorite fiction and non fiction book?

Favorite fiction is “The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society”

Oh man it’s been awhile since I read a good nonfiction book. “Small steps: The Year I Got Polio” was the last one but that was in 8th grade so...

-If you were a color, which color would you be? (Post a reference photo)

-Peanuts or cashews?

Cashews. I like that hint of sweetness they have.

-What does summer mean to you?

I think it’s different every year. Since living in Michigan it means the weather is gorgeous! It’s means swimming. Most of the time it’s means no school. This summer it meant traveling to Georgia, applying for jobs, dancing, finishing up some school and drivers training. I tend to see my friends less and have less to do in the summer which I don’t like.

Our friends and family from other places sometimes visit in the summer too.

-Favorite Disney movie?

Oof that’s a tough one. I grew up on the princess, Toy story and cars. My favorite is probably the new “Beauty and the Beast”. It was so beautiful and well done. “Tangled” and “The Lion King” are amazing as well. My brother and I have memorized a couple of the songs from lion king, and I’m looking forward to seeing the new one.

-Barefoot or shoes?

Barefoot all the way! Shoes are overrated.

-What is your favorite photo on your camera roll?

Ok hear me out. I have lots of cute pictures of my friends and a bunch of silly selfies. But I saw this and it was just perfect. The internet has enough insta worthy photos. Here’s something a little more real.

-Describe MY blog in three words.

Humorous, purposeful, simple

-Describe YOUR blog in three words.

Work in progress

Ok so as far as the whole tagging bit...

Covah already tagged pretty much all of the bloggers I know.

So if you want you can answer my question in the comments or email me your answers. Maybe I’ll do a post featuring some readers responses. If you are a fellow blogger reading this consider yourself tagged.

Is that with in the rules? I hope so!

My questions are:

What song has helped you through a rough time in your life?

What was the last song you listened to?

What does family mean to you?

Cooking or baking ?

What’s your favorite season and why?

Are you a list maker ?

What quote would you hang up on your wall?

What’s your favorite breakfast food?

What inspired you to start blogging ?

What’s you favorite post from your blog?

What’s you favorite post from my blog ?

Until next time,

Caitlin Geaney

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